University of California, Irvine

UCI, Irvine Channel on You-Tube

About The UCI University Click Here  

The University of California, Irvine is ranked the 14th best public university in the United States and the best comprehensive university under 50 years old in the world it also ranked in the top 200 universities in the world. 

UCI Progresses a channel on you-tube about it's Courses lectures on many fields of education introduced by expert professors. 

Here are some lists of different subject areas, If you are interested just click on the name of the subject. 

1-Engineering Field: 

-Einstein's General Relativity and Gravitation
-Chemistry 131C: Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics
-Earth System Science 5: The Atmosphere


Don't disperse yourself just choose the course you want to learn,. I advise that if you want to study engineering review your math courses.

3- Chemistry:




**The University also offers many courses with certificates on Coursera to see them Click Here

It's not everything, try to search for what you need and believe that as much as you get tired of getting information as much as you don't lose it. 

Try to build your knowledge by yourself and share this blog if you are interested and follow.


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